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why community?

This sign is a kanji, a primitive oriental glyph that represents, in the single version, the silk, or the silk thread. And in its double form, as in the picture, the silkworm or the silk fabric.
This small and pretty ugly creature to form its shelter and transform in a moth, a tender furry pocket monster, creates one single thread of one of the strongest material in nature from which we generate some of most beautiful, rich, creative and pleasent objects.
Each and every artistic process can be woven by vision, immagination, personal sensibility, and any kind of soft skill but in order to be effective and accessible, and live beyond a personal artistic perspective, needs to meet other people and their threads along the road.
A basic desire that moves Matteo's astistic journey is to partecipate in transforming the way we live together, we cohexist as humans and other living beings, how we do chose, bound, harm, invite and encourage each other and the value that we can so create. 

How do we weave our threads?

Click below to navigate through different sides of the rich artistic and human network that feeds Matteo's process:


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we can share and create
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ed. 2023 - Matteo Marchesi

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