collaborations with...
The artistic journey is feeded by people and experiences outside the authorial act of creation.
Therefore here following you can find few experiences of collaboration with other artists that are active part of this journey.
silvia Gribaudi

Since 2017 Matteo collaborates with Silvia, not only as Associated Artist of Zebra, the Company that supports and promotes his work, but also as performer.
Since then, within the language of irony that stands out in Silvia's works, he took part in different productions and artistic actions:
FELICE :: a production for a young audience produced by Teatro delle Briciole
GRACES :: a work that plays with beauty, irony, empathy and power that hosts on stage Silvia and Matteo together with Andrea Rampazzo and Siro Guglielmi
CHOREOGRAPHIC TREKKING in Prali (Turin) :: a site-specific immersive experience by danceing and walking along the mountains of Prali at 2500 mt, and a outdoor fair party involving artists and the community of Prali
FESTA! :: a performing event for the opening of Torino Danza Festival 2020, involving several guest artists of the festival program, where the physicality and the interaction create a chance for nourishing the connection and to make a feeling of community emerge,
keren rosenberg

ph Yael Timmnick

ph Yael Timmnick
After a first meeting in Skanes Dans Theater in 2017, this artistic duo as bounded always with deeper roots and stronger wings.
Since then their roads crossed more then once in Italy, expecially for Body House Sessions, an approach on body, movement energy and space connection, part of Keren's multidisciplinary approach to art, concept well shared since the beginning with the artistic vision of Matteo.
Both recognizing their open skills and the need to mold their artistic journey through an articulated box of tools and practices beyond the physical ones, from collage work, to writing, to textile manipulation, to visual composition and curation, they joined forces in 2020 for a first artistic residency at CSC of Bassano del Grappa, to dig deeper in their artistic and human matter.
Such session called "How high can we fly", by an open cycle of re-imagining the body, the visual supports and by the incarnation of the intense imaginative patterns so generated, clarified the need to generate more expertise on this approach, as much as more time shared with communities that can witness and engage with the open material created.
More is for sure to come!
elena rossi

Neck piece

Neck piece
Matteo and Elena knows each other since the studies at Fine Arts Accademy of Brera in Milano.
The two different careers, in dance and in design/textile art, gave them the chance to be connected and dig deeper in their common ground.
Elena always supports and mentors Matteo in the costume design for his performances, with accurate technique and care for details, considering it a choreographic tool for the entire creation. On his side, Matteo mentors and support other Elena's creations by adding physical knowledge to the textile composition and sewing, and movement knowledge to the balance of materials in dress pieces.
Considering their fruitful relationship and exchange, the common enthusiasm for clothing as a way to interact and effect people's sensitivity and habits, and the ecological critique to the consumerism logics, they are actually developing practices of textile upcycling and drawing.

Matteo and Federica, dancer and clown, met in 2019 in Turin, starting a series of rendez-vous such as workshops leaded by Federica, working on the absurd of drama. Along the last years those meetings involved also practices of meditation, sessions in water and discussions about presence and poetry.
In 2023 Federica joined Matteo as advisor and fellow in the project Swollen Bodies, dedicating time and experience to support the process with teenagers in Perugia, hosted by Home - Centro Coreografico and supported by Umbria Danza Festival, by first experiencing bodywise the elements to be shared with the young participants. The difference of age and experience of the two artists, Matteo and Federica offers a refreshing playfulness side by side with two poetic worlds on a mirror.

Andrea Orlandi, researcher in Cognitive Neurosciences first in University of studies in Milan, later at La Sapienza in Rome and since September 2022 in Sidney with a research assignment funded by Marie Curie Actions (by European Commission), met Matteo Marchesi while both has been dance students and kept open the dialogue along the years across the different disciplines.
The determination and commitment towards science fields and arts offered a way of approaching both fields with creativity and humanity.
The offers coming from dance and science practices are an open door to develop fresh patterns about life quality and the comprehension of human relationship with arts and societal organization.